If you think you are ready for the next step, Findlay Recovery Center in Findlay, Ohio can help. Our new and affordable residential addiction treatment facility can support you through medically monitored detoxification and an evidence-based recovery program. The Empathy Exams author’s stunning book juxtaposes her own relationship to addiction with stories of literary legends like Raymond Carver, and imbues it with rich cultural history. The result is a definitive treatment of the American recovery movement—a memoir in the subgenre like no other. When reading addiction treatment and recovery literature, you’ll often come across different terms that refer to the same general concept.
How can I recover from alcohol fast?
- Drinking fluids.
- Getting some carbohydrates into your system.
- Avoiding darker-colored alcoholic beverages.
- Taking a pain reliever — but not Tylenol.
- Drinking coffee or tea.
- Taking B vitamins and zinc.
- Hair of the dog.
- Image: stu99/Getty Images.
I liked the ending, where she shares her own astonishing resurrection. Like me, Karr longs for a family of her own and when she marries a handsome wealthy man and they have a son, it looks as though her dreams have come true. The book is raw with emotion as Karr invites us on her journey to herself.
Being Sober
Inside the recovery center, he forms a close bond with an older Italian-American called Leonard, who turns out to have mafia connections. Frey’s relationship with this gangster forms the backbone of the narrative. He never glamorizes addiction, but rather outlines the train wreck his life had become in spare but always engaging prose. With run-on sentences and a disregard for traditional punctuation, this intense monologue leaves you in no doubt about one thing. Even if you feel your life has been shattered into a million little pieces, recovery is always possible.
Some people may benefit from knowing they’re not alone, so memoirs may offer inspiration and help them take the first steps toward recovery. The right book for someone experiencing addiction can depend on their unique needs and preferences. For instance, someone who wants a guide to follow may find an AA book helpful. But someone who doesn’t find AA appealing or helpful may prefer a book that explores substance use and addiction from a scientific perspective. The right treatment can make a major difference as you work toward recovery, and it’s never too late — or too early — to seek support.
Girl Walks Out of a Bar: A Memoir by Lisa F. Smith
Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a fascinating system for reprogramming behavior by altering cognitive associations. This book is the most basic guide for NLP that I have found, and the authors describe how using NLP has changed the lives of people they care about. Marc Lewis is a neuroscientist with a personal history of opiate addiction, and this book is a masterpiece.
- The Empathy Exams author’s stunning book juxtaposes her own relationship to addiction with stories of literary legends like Raymond Carver, and imbues it with rich cultural history.
- When we hear the word “recovery”, especially alongside “literature”, we tend to think of books on alcoholism or drug addiction.
- Faber Stories, a landmark series of individual volumes, presents masters of the short story form at work in a range of genres and styles.
- Every year he’s spent the summer on the road, but making it to Yellowstone this year means everything.
- It is a disorder that can be permanently resolved using the Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual model of recovery.
- How ironic as I fast-forward to my initial career decision, I actually chose to become a teacher, a daily life path in the very environment I once despised.
I didn’t fully understand how important they were to me until the three I write about died within a few years of each other in the early aughts. I’ve learned from my favorite writers how crucial it is to push past shame and embarrassment to try and reach emotional truth—whatever that is for each of us. Only readers can decide whether one succeeds, but for me, the most important gift memoir can bestow is the writer’s willingness to risk intimate self-disclosure. 1
author picked
as one of their favorite books, and they share
why you should read it. 1
author picked
Dear Evelyn
as one of their favorite books, and they share
why you should read it.
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It explains how alcohol affects human beings on a chemical, physiological, and psychological level, from those first drinks right up to chronic alcoholism…. In Quit Drinking Without Willpower, Allen Carr’s Easyway method has been applied to problem drinking…. Listen to this audiobook and become a happy non-drinker for the rest of your life…. Cupcake Brown was 11 when she was orphaned and placed into foster care.
- It explores how society’s perception and targeted marketing campaigns keeps groups of people down while simultaneously putting money into “Big Alcohol’s” pockets.
- To deny the fact that we do so is to deny an essential part of our nature, not simply as human beings, but as evolutionary creatures with fundamental needs.
- Still, every time she went to a party she would solemnly swear to herself that she’d stop after three or four glasses of wine.
Don’t let the fact vs fiction debate over this book put you off. Frey continues to write fiction and remains in committed recovery. “A Million Little Pieces,” James Frey’s autobiographical novel about alcohol and crack cocaine addiction, is the author’s riveting, first-hand account of an out-of-control life.